21 Day Fix Review

21 Day Fix Review

Learn Everything About 21 Day Fix

21 Day Fix has now launched! I am so excited for this program because it is going to change the way people get ready for summer, or a wedding, or any special occasion. And of course, I had to try it with the trainer herself, Autumn Calabrese. (I included a video of the 21 Day Fix launch event below) So here is a 21 Day Fix Review so that all of you can get the information on this incredible new workout from Beachbody. Imagine being able to lose 10 to 15 pounds in 21 days, without fail? Sound too good to be true? In this 21 Day Fix Workout Review I explain how it works. And of course, if you want all the details, we have the 21 Day Fix Complete Guide for you.

Want to buy 21 Day Fix Today?

I hope you get a chance to read the 21 Day Fix Review in detail and watch the videos, but I know many of you just want to know where to get the workout since it's been under wraps for months. Here is the official link to order 21 Day Fix. You can either get the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack, or the 21 Day Fix Base Kit (not on sale yet).

21 Day Fix Challenge Pack – (On Sale for $160)
Includes 7 Workouts, Bonus Dirty 30 Workout DVD, 3 Day Quick Fix, Eating Plan, 30 Day Supply of Shakeology, and 30 Day’s Team Beachbody VIP Membership
Order Here: http://bit.ly/21dayfixcp
Includes Free Shipping and Handling

The 21 Day Fix Review

What makes 21 Day Fix different than anything you have ever seen? Simple! You know how most workout programs come with a nutrition guide that takes you days to read and then you spend a ton of money on groceries to try an follow the nutrition guide? 21 Day Fix focus on portion control. It even comes with special 21 Day Fix Portion Control Containers that you use throughout the program. If it doesn't fit in the containers, then you can't eat it. If it does, eat it! Simple!

21 Day Fix Portion Control System
21 Day Fix Portion Control System

21 Day Fix Workouts

21 Day Fix consists of 7 different 30 minute workouts, that are done for a three week period. The trainer, Autumn Calabrese keeps all the workouts very simple, so anyone at any fitness level can jump in, and get incredible results. Autumn Calabrese is a celebrity trainer and National Bikini Competitor. What workouts come with 21 Day Fix?

  • Dirty 30 workout
  • Total Body Cardio Fix
  • Upper Fix
  • Lower Fix
  • Pilates Fix
  • Cardio Fix
  • Yoga Fix

Total Body Cardio Fix is actually your first workout, so why don't we give you a glimpse of the workout, so you know what to expect from 21 Day Fix.

You also get a few free gifts when you buy the program at launch. Some of the 21 Day Fix  bonuses include:

  • Star Here Guide with Workout Calendar
  • 3 Day Quick Fix
  • Eating Plan
  • Support for free from me as your Beachbody Coach
  • Bonus Plyo Fix DVD (Only available when you order through a Beachbody Coach)

You will also get the containers for the 21 Day Portion Control System. More on that in the next section.

The 21 Day Portion Control System

One of the most important things in a fitness and weight loss workout program is nutrition. It’s no secret that 70% of your results is based on nutrition. That’s where 21 Day Fix shines. 21 Day Fix teaches you portion control. You can eat too much of anything really, and you will still gain weight! With 21 Day Fix, you can improve your health and fitness in less time, and get incredible results that would normally take 60 to 90 days to achieve. The 21 Day Fix program is a one of a kind system that uses containers to teach you an easy, fast, and accurate way to control how much you eat. Gone is the guess work. Gone is wondering if you ate too much food. Gone is calorie counting. You can even have wine while doing the 21 Day Fix!

21 Day Fix Nutrition Guide
21 Day Fix Nutrition Guide

With the 21 Day Fix, you will get a set of 7 color coded containers, as well as a free Shakeology Cup so that you can get all your nutrition in the right quantities, into your body.

Who is 21 Day Fix For?

Autumn is actually a single mom, and a fitness trainer that needed a way to stay in the best shape of her life. This program was specifically developed for people at all fitness stages. If you have 100 pounds to lose, or 10 pounds to lose, 21 Day Fix is for you. I honestly can't wait until I get a chance to do the workout and the program, and post the results in this 21 Day Fix Review.

What Equipment is Needed for 21 Day Fix?

This is an easy one. People are always worried that they will need weights or bands or things like that. With 21 Day Fix, all you need is your body! You can of course get a yoga mat if you like so you don't slip, but it's not required. You can do 21 Day Fix anywhere!

21 Day Fix Launch at Leadership Retreat

Want to see 21 Day Fix in action? I was lucky enough to get to do one of the workouts, and I have to tell you, it was an incredible workout. Here is the launch video of the workout, so you can get a chance to see Autumn Calabrese in action!

And of course, here is what the workout is all bout. In this video you can see exactly what kinds of results you can expect from Autumn Calabrese's new workout program, 21 Day Fix.

When will 21 Day Fix Be Available?

21 Day Fix is available right now! Get your copy today, and I will add you to our private facebook support group, so I can help you get the most results out of 21 Day Fix.

21 Day Fix  Challenge Pack – (On Sale for $160)
Includes 7 Workouts, Bonus Dirty 30 Workout DVD, 3 Day Quick Fix, Eating Plan, 30 Day Supply of Shakeology, and 30 Day’s Team Beachbody VIP Membership
Order Here: http://bit.ly/21dayfixcp
Includes Free Shipping and Handling


About the author

Canada's first and only 4x Elite Beachbody Coach, Member of The Millions Club, Coach Advisory Board Member, Beachbody Leadership Award Recipient. Let me help you get in the best shape of your life. Add me on Facebook if you'd like to chat about Beachbody. I'm here to serve you and help you!

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